I was hoping for more from the main male character. I love British comedy, and found myself feeling frustrated while watching this film. I felt mostly anger coming from the male lead, and this wasn’t funny. I had a hard time cheering on the relationship of Ellie and Jack because I just couldn’t find the lovableness in Jack. There were a couple times when he got close, but this wasn’t developed on. Perhaps I ought to direct my criticism to the director, Danny Boyle, because he didn’t illicit something more for Jack. Yes, I did leave the theatre reminiscing on the work of Colin Firth and Hugh Grant (just to name a few) much more. I do realize that not every lead character in a British comedy should act in the same manner; not every main character should be a copy of the one(s) that have come before, but I do know when something is missing. I felt that I needed more from Jack’s character.
At the same time I did appreciate that Ellie wasn’t willing to accept a relationship with Jack unless it was a true commitment. How many times do we get to see a scene like that where a female actually stands up for herself and demands something more? Pretty much never. I respect that a truly strong female character was included in this film.
For me, this film was never able to catch that big wave and provide that amazing feeling that I love about this particular genre, but at the same time it did show a strong female standing up for herself and not selling herself short. Maybe I initially went into the theatre thinking that it was all about Jack and that this was a particular type of comedy, but I left feeling more about Ellie and who she was. And as I think about it, this is such a good thing. In the end, I do recommend this film, perhaps not so much as a feel-good British comedy, but as a movie about a woman with convictions. Who happens to succeed with a man who, in the end, stands by his own beliefs of right and wrong. A little more added charm would’ve done wonders in this film, but the positive message was very much celebrated, as well.