I was looking forward to this movie. I at first didn’t even think it was a real movie (considering there’s so much Ai now) when I discovered it was real, I made sure to plan to go see it. I loved the first one, and when I seen this, I was EXTREMELY disappointed. It was way too comical and cliche. I felt that Naomi Scott was being an overachiever with her acting - at times she’d slip up and her accent will come on. It felt like a Disney/comedy/horror movie out of some sort of fanfiction. Not to mention, it being very predictable… my friend and I, and as well as the rest of the people in the movie theater, couldn’t help but to laugh and smack our lips at most parts of the movie. Don’t get me started on the end of the movie… it had potential to be stopped but I guess the demon prefers to always win. There are too many flashbacks that were being dragged on. The dramatic gasping of air and the goddamn drinking of water and the many “FUCKS” that were said was ridiculous… it would have made sense if the main character didn’t have a drug problem. The first movie made a lot more sense. Plus, I was hoping to see the cop be the main character as per what happened in the first movie but that was short lived… it just wasn’t right at all. There was too much that was weird and I don’t want to spoil it any more than I have. But, I WILL! I thought that if you see the smile, then you’ll see a “suicide” but I guess that all got changed. There wasn’t enough killing in my opinion. And the killings made no sense. If a person hits themselves in the face with a weight, they’d drop immediately… then, it didn’t show her kill herself at the end… the CGI was so bad when the demon was coming out of her stomach… who thought this was a good idea to publish… it seemed so rushed!