I don’t understand how this film is so highly rated. I actually thought the whole film was OTT, it was extreme action and in all honesty was ridiculous like towards the end of the film John wick got kicked down like 220 steps on stairs made out of concrete and he got up and continued fighting like 100 man. So over the top. It got to a point where I was like this isn’t even worth it should have waited for it to be released. I defo don’t understand IMDB no more. I would rate this 6.2 at best not 8+ it doesn’t even beat the first film. That was madness but a controlled madness made him seem like badass but like human. This film he’s turned into an avenger and kills everyone. Must of seen him kill like 300+ people in that film. Was actually crazy how OTT that was. Not a film I would personally watch again