I have played all the games in FarCry series and can say that imo, FarCry 5 is the best in the series. For an easy retrospective, FC5 just takes everything from FC3 (the second best in the series imo) and does everything better with additional features to make it unique. The shooting mechanics are fun. Addition of AI teammates opens up a lot of tactical approach to combat. The characters are relate-able and have strong personality. The story and cinematics are strong and never feel overstretched. The Map is vast with full of things to do and explore. The world feels connected, vibrant and always happening. The music brings out the South American feel during menus and exploration. Inventory, crafting and leveling systems have been made very simple and accessible from a single menu (tab). Apart from a few bugs and glitches there are hardly anything to complain about. I would recommend this game to any FPS / RPG fan.