Looking at Fh4 compared to Fh5 I don’t understand how they got it so wrong?
I will say this before I tear the game in two the graphics are great.
Now, how the fuc* did you manage to produce this garbage with having 3 years to play with? And let’s be honest you asset flipped most stuff from previous games you had 3 years to make a map that was amazing and enjoyable to drive around in when it’s boring as fuc* and bare.
0 new traffic cars.
Constant bugs and some was game breaking when the game came out.
0 new cars instead you recycle old olds constantly.
You can see 0 online players on the map unless you’re right next to them as they disappear constantly.
The map is too big it’s just boring and bland making fh4 map the best, you barely have anyone playing as they’ve gone back to fh4
Stay away from 5 unless you like a stunning looking game only!! If not go play for a horizon 4