I watched the two episodes and have the definitive review. It is not bad BUT IT IS NOT TOLKIEN. Having read The Silmarillion, Hobbit, LOTR, and Lost Works a few dozen times each, I legitimately see no relation to the great author. Established characters are a full 180 from their lore, with Galadriel suddenly becoming a warrior and Elrond... a "politician? What?
The races of Dwarves, Elves, Numenorians, and Men act out of character and are placed incorrectly within timelines. THAT SAID if they would have marketed this as its own unique series it wouldnt be awful. Not exactly good either but not awful. It feels like a mindless action fantasy hack and slash film which are sometimes my guilty pleasures. The score is very well down as is the sound. The visual have that very artificial CGI look about them but are great. It certainly is not the worst thing I have ever seen and might actually watch more if I have the time. It just is not Tolkien