Hello Ellen, I want to congratulate you for that big heart you own, I live in a small town in Ecuador called Manta. We were hit with a 8.5 earth quake 2 years ago april 16. A lot of people lost their home and family members as well as buildings. The town is trying very hard to rebuilt, and we are doing it surely and very slowly. I lived in L.A. for about 40 years, worked as a social worker for UCP and Regional Center. I retired back to my town 8 years ago. I live alone with my 2 cats and my dog. My pasion is theatre and acting in small plays I write the scripts for the ladies my age. I am trying to build a theatre, were all the children, young adults and seniors are able to enjoy a play, or a musical dance or a music symphony. The only small theatre we had went down with the earthquake. I am putting together a foundation to have the money to buit the theatre.My project is called ..one dollar for culture..I am asking the people for my town to help me raise the money. I am asking you if you can help me connect with people that love art to help us get our theatre.