Bharat Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Bharat, as the name suggests it tells about India, it’s people, culture, situation before independence and after independence. This is an emotional journey of a common man Bharat who vowed to keep his family united be it whatever may be. Bharat infuses humour, drama and patriotism in a convincing way and who else can do this better than Ali Abbas Zafar who has also written the script and the dialogues along with Varun Sharma. The first half traverses through the tales of survival etched during and after partition like shelter, religious turmoil,unemployment etc along with some feel good moments and second half though little stretched delves deep into the emotional melodrama of love and family relationships. Best part is you can see JCB ki khudaai in the climax.
Dialogues ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️- Dialogues are fresh, humorous and witty. The lingo ‘Madam Sir’ was an innovation.
Music ⭐️⭐️⭐️by Vishal Shekhar has nothing new though at times it delights and sometimes becomes monotonous. Movie begins with the Thap Thap song and fits well as per situation. Ishqe di Chashni and Aaya na tu are refreshing and mesmerising.
Lyrics ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️by Irshad Kamil are as usual apt and soothing. They have been beautifully written and can be easily related as the story progresses.
Acting⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ the most important section-flawless and sensible. Katrina was even better than her previous ‘Zero’. Sunil Grover was good in a supporting role. Disha Patani was lifeless in her cameo. Satish Kaushik deserved a better role and last but not the least Salman Khan is a show stealer, he is a lifeline of the movie and grabs most of the moments with emotions and tears.
Direction ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5- Ali Abbas Zafar puts too much emotions. Some of the scenes are waste and could have been edited otherwise direction looks flawless.
All in all a must watch for Salman Khan fans and for others be ready to flow with tears as there are lots of emotion involved.