This show surprised me. I went in with low expectations. I had also heard from a Pakistani screenwriter about how they went and redid the series from scratch because of how bad the original script really was.
I get exhausted from the preachy, woke, "muh representation" crowd and I had feared I was going to get a lot of this shoved down my throat. There is a difference between organic writing which just lets a story develop and be told vs beating you over the head. While there were a couple of moments where I rolled my eyes, they were few and far apart.
And the end of the day, the show avoided the majority of the pitfalls and made me actually care about Kamala Khan. Her background was important but never used cheaply. For example, we know that Matt Murdock is Catholic. It's something that has a profound impact on his views and the way he makes many of his decisions. In the same vein, Kamala is not all that different.
The writing was solid, Iman Vellani was a perfect blend of charming and fun and played the role of a girl who has her own coming-of-age story to tell quite well. Ms. Marvel is one of those nuggets worth finding in the rubbish heap that Disney Plus keeps laying on all of us. I think it's worth the time to watch. This is one of those shows that is better than it has any right to be and it deserves a chance if you haven't seen it yet.