Complete and utter trash.. everything in this game ic predicted to throttling player progress. Shitty rng shitty plot shitty glitches. Literally makes your player teleport into a corner to get stuck and killed. Had this happened countless times. Also enemies will just teleport around you to hit you. Never had a game just so blatantly cheat the player. Literally felt like I was playing a god damn mobile game cheating me for money grabs. It makes no sense. Even regular enemies will randomly be super powerful and move 10 times faster. For instance I fought blood lords towards diablo the entire board no problem. Then all the sudden a random group of them had super health speed and attack even though they looked and were labeled like all the others. Like the game said no your doing to good so now we are gonna fuck you. Whatever faggot programmed this bullshit needs nut punched in their douche face. This game is horrible and a disgrace. Completely fucked up one of the all time great games. Completely throttles the player and fucks them out for their gold and items to inflate game hours. Even had weapons just disappear into thin air while I was just standing there in the towns.. this game is complete and utter garbage do no buy it.