While I understand that is a pg 13 movie, the basic draw is a younger crowd. Having to explain to a 10 year old what capitalism, fascism and existentialism during the movie is impossible. I also felt as I should be ashamed for being part of the capitalistic system that made Mattel what it is and they take a few chances to poke at us by saying oh slap barbie sticker on it and the suckers will buy it. I also felt that we as generations prior to now let in "real world" let the patrichal system exist. We are made fun of when Ken goes back and exacts his will and the Barbies all become bimbo's as if that what we all are in "real world". On the opposite of that what is wrong with being a stay at mom, letting a man be the money maker. I know all the feminist just had a stroke but I'm sorry being a mother, taking care of a home and children is not easy. I was seriously disappointed at the messages which they are sending out. I over think things and have been accused over analyzing but this is how I feel. I really felt bad about myself leaving the theater and looking at my 10 year niece that I guess I've let her down in the real world.