I've read the books. Where did all the money go? This is a rushed adaptation that has been tainted by unconvincing political correctness that totally robs this world of its charm. There is enough locational variety in the WoT universe that smashing EVERY SINGLE human ethnic group into EVERY scene is totally unnecessary. Artificially inserting LGBT relationships and sex into this series was also completely unnecessary. Why can't anything be a good story anymore without being progressively patronizing? The writers went out of their way to say very loudly "Women Rock and Men Suck!" They try very hard to make the women of every society appear to be the only capable warriors, but no amount of facepaint or armor makes this convincing. Pike and Henney do a good job carrying the rest of the wooden cast who all whine and look constipated most of the time. The dialogue is brutal. There is very little nuance in the storytelling. Characters deliver exposition bombs and the plot holes are massive. The scenery looks gorgeous. The CGI does not reflect the budget. Hopefully they stop trying to please the 20-30 left crowd and actually open the original source material.