Those who all saying this flim is slow, may be they excepted like 100 guns firing like KGF movie, it's not like the kind of movie.
This movie is all about reality by how the underdog form to real gangster.Kgf is something like mass but that is a fantasy type gangster flick movie.But this one is like something with mass and class which we can relate to reality from underdog to a gangster.Music and Background score from ARR is something unique 🔥🛐#Mallipoo is in repeat mode🔂. STR as Muthu was marvellous & remarkable.Love portions was not up to my expectation but it was better and also too lag.GVM with a bold script and good screenplay and good reply for who all trolled him.The characters were all good and justified their roles even in less screen timing. The climax was little unjustified may be it will be justified in part 2 I hope so..! Finally VTK is 5️⃣⭐