This movie was better in every way than what came out in 2017. I can't remember the last time I've seen a movie which left me in awe, and excited to dive back in to watch again. I'm on my 3rd watch of this movie. Pay no attention to those who say its too long. Its on HBO Max, watch it like you would a series, the pause button is a thing and you can come back to it later.
Snyder made this beautifully, connects to the previous movies, sets up the others that had come up, and within 30 seconds of this movie starting off your world shifts in how it sets everything up with what is to come. Everything is more meaningful, character development, making you care, and the nightmare visions of what is to come really give you a feeling of fear with how scary that would be. HBO Max should really take note, just as Zach set some of this up as the feeling from Lord of the Rings, do just as they did and let him finish off this vision. Film the final 2 movies at the same time so you get more bang for you buck. From Man of Steel, to this through completion, it would make an amazing box set that many would love to own, or have to stream from start to finish. Don't let this be the end