Personally I don’t like first person narrative anyway but this book just plain stinks -the story is terrible -it’s boring -it’s loaded with details I could not care less (about the size and shapes of rooms etc. ) The main challenge is looking for a person I don’t know where care about. That’s a huge plot flaw. I’m surprised the editor didn’t know better in fact I blame all of this on the editor -clearly whoever edited this work didn’t really know this character and if they did this is just a misfire. Oh, yes -it did have a bit of “persuader” in it But I don’t know what the author is thinking. First of all Jack reacher doesn’t say “so” it’s not in his lexicon much. Jack reacher also doesn’t fall into cliché so when I heard him say “back the truck up” I thought oh my clearly they don’t read the stuff out loud do they? Anyway I’m disappointed - it came out on my birthday and I was so excited: I understand the TV show is going to be on Amazon prime - I’m looking forward to that- I hope they don’t murder it. I’ve read all the books many times. I didn’t care for “make me”. “Past tense” was a little weird as well but everything else I dig big time I think I’ve read 61 hours five or six times. I adore bad luck in trouble / and I think that’s where the writer should go - go into the past with the team and show us how they all got there.