Giving credit to the fact that the show is more accurate to the books than the movies were, I'm severely disappointed. I feel like this show will be the true end to one of my favorite book series. As much as the movies were inaccurate, they were casted much better than the series and seemed to do a better job of capturing attention of the viewer. Perhaps it's because I'm older now, or because I truly enjoyed the movies despite their flaws-I fear this show was the last chance for such a magical series to come to life and I'm concerned it may fail. I'm not on the edge of my seat, itching for the next episode the way I was with the movies. I really hope they are able to recover from what seems to be a slow and boring start and revive the audience. I really don't want to see this fail- I would love to enjoy a reenactment of my favorite childhood obsession who can FINISH the series this time. Otherwise, there may never be another chance taken on it. Crossing my fingers that it will only get better with time.