I love disaster movies, and this had a breath of potential with the setup from both the residents' perspectives and the weather reporters' perspectives, some of which were based on actual occurrences (like weather reporters following tornadoes that hit their own homes), so one star for that. However, the people who made this movie are obviously from Hollywood and who have been to Oklahoma maybe once, in the airport, and it shows. The amount of political matter stuffed into this movie is ridiculous, and their portrayal of the local residents as Hollywood's view of stereotypical hillbillies made my cringe glands explode. Unfortunately, the soap opera-style sub-plots take up way to much of the movie and the good stuff only kicks off 1 hour into the movie. If you do watch it, start at 55 minutes in, and ffwd through the non-disaster bits. Pity, because parts of it were filmed really well, like the hearing-impared child not knowing what's happening until she turns and see the storm. Oh well.