3 stars only because Speilberģ et al could not destroy the magnificent score.....they destroyed everything else .Many conversations in Spanish....yes I know Puerto Ricans speak Spanish...so why not let non-spanish speakers in with sub titles . Let me guess....in this new brave world of inclusivity , diversity and positive ethnic portrayals...if you don't speak Spanish....too bad...you should.The leader of the Jets seemed gay....ok hoodlums can be gay.....but it seemed they said let's make him gay....just to fill a quota. Then we neede a transgender person in the film so the part that was a tomboy in the original now becomes transgender....unlikely that a transgender woman would be hanging around a New York gang in the 50 's .....but if you can suspend the reality of dancing and singing hoodlums ...then why not a transgender woman desperate to join the gang.It seemed that within a couple of hours of learning that her brother had been stabbed to death Maria was singing " I FEEL Pretty "....I guess it's hard to fit all the songs in.As I said to begin with....despite all these nonsense alterarations to the original the score stands tall.