So..... Moriarty is a black women now. As a non white non American woman I am sick and tired of Hollywood gender and ethnicity swoping everything. All you are saying is that our gender, our cultures and our people have no interesting stories to tell so we put you in other cultures with more compelling stories. Go now be happy you are represented. Back to the movie, only watched cause of Henry Cavill and what a mess. They created Enola so they could make her a new interesting villain but no gender swoping Sherlock`s arch enemy will be fine cause we need Sherlock for people to care about Enola. I did not care about Bessie or Sarah or her boyfriend or anyone except Sherlock. Cause I was only been given what they did not who they are. Some pieces to just make the plot happen. The audience were assumed so dumb that with every simple clue she found there was a flash back to scene she took it in her hand. Cavill and Helena Bonham Carter are only cast that I enjoyed watching the others were passable at best. Liked the first one but this one not for me.