I missed about the first half hour of the movie so I will have to watch it again but what I did see I thought that it was done quite well. The actors were easy to relate to the characters that were in the Sopranos series right down to some of the mannerisms that they had like facial expressions and they way that they walked. Some prequels I have had to really watch closely to figure out who was who but I made the connection immediately in this Saints of Newark movie. The people that did the actors hair in this movie are to be commended and I had no qualms about the wardrobe job either. Someone else who reviewed this film didn’t like the cinematography and the poor use of colour but I have no problem with it. In my opinion it may not have been perfect but for a period piece I didn’t think it was as bad as what another reviewer thought it was. After watching for awhile I didn’t really care about the colour or the cinematography and was more interested in the story and how it related to the Sopranos series. Some people just love to nitpick down to the smallest details but I’m definitely not one of them. All in all I liked what I saw and will be taking another look at it to see what I missed the first time.