Garena Free Fire Max is very well known to everybody. If anybody wants to play this game,but their c**tiya Fathers stops them. If you are scared from the bad habits of the game, then you can enjoy it much more than those who never scared from the amazing graphics, controls, maps, etc.
If you really want to play, you can get it free from the play store or app store. I give you promise, that if you are scared from this game, you cannot enjoy your full life as a brave pro player. I'm $@hil, and also unknown to you, is giving my full support and also encouraging you to play this game. I know that you think that this is a game of addiction. But believe me if you play 30 minutes twice a day, will not be addicted to this game + you can increase your rank from bronze to heroic, master or grand master. And yaa this game is amazing, and beloved game from me