I saw this movie when it came out in 1970. I was just 19 yrs old then and single and happy.
I saw the movie twice and even bought the soundtarck Lp in the record stores. I still have the album. it,s a rare original and can,t find it now anywhere.
I liked the plot and the accents and location. It,s typicaly english.\
I was quite taken by Melody herself alias Tracy Hyde. she was quite attrctive looking then. Jack Wild was good in it as well as Mark Lester.
The rest of the cast was good to.
I watched the movie just last night on DVD and that was hard for me to find but I managed to get a copy.
It was entertaing and the music of the Bee Gees was good to.
The photography was nice as it was set in The Lambeth area of London i think.
I watched it thoroughly and didin,t fall asleep like most of these movie,s.
It all brought me back in time as I could relate to this movie. I had a secret crush on a girl at school to and at that same age range. she was also of british decent and attractive to.
I would recommend to others to watch this movie if and when it comes on Tv. I don,t know why TCM has never picked up on this movie. they seem to show To sir with love alot more.
I wanted to jump into the movie as I watched it at home and return to a more innocent and virus free world. I was in love with melody....