So regarding people who claim that God speaks to them… caution is warranted.
If ever that should’ve been the case it would’ve been Billy Graham, yet as far as I know he never ever claimed that God spoke to him directly.
In this case, a man struggling with PTSD and insomnia… Who knows what his mind might come up with when it’s in neutral, in the middle of the night.
I used to work with Tilly, an uneducated but driven charismatic Christian lady who had written the worst book ever on Middle Eastern people and politics. She claimed that God had told her it was to be used as a textbook in universities around the world… And so what did Tilly do? Instead of paying her rent she brought a ticket to Israel with a suitcase full of her books, to distribute them to every college she could find there. Sadly, ( or maybe not!) there were no takers
Regarding people that have dreams…
Christians and non Christians alike have dreams… Good dreams and bad dreams, Christian dreams and worldly dreams.
I hate to say it, but speaking from my own experience as a functioning man, my dreams are not always something I would like to share with my dear Lord, let alone my wife… but I have no control over them because I’m asleep and my mind is in neutral and it can be very creative at times… and in odd ways.
We all know that it is possible for God to communicate to us through dreams … the Bible tells us so … but it’s a relatively infrequent event , and the output of our puny human minds while we sleep should be carefully tested before we try to build anything upon it, especially a political agenda.
I recall the refrain from a “Jesus People”song we used to sign around a campfire at church camp in 1969:
“And they’ll know we are Christians by our love… by our love… And they’ll know that we are Christians by our love”
To those that claim that Donald Trump is the Messiah, I ask “Give me examples of his love, so that I can know he is a Christian.”
I’m waiting …