PLEASE put some light on the KKK person in that photo next to someone in blackfase. It is like having a picture showing a skinny Jewish person next to an SS Nazi! The KKK is a terrorist organization with a history of raping, castrating, lynching, burning, beating, burning the homes of and in other ways terrorizing African Americans. And furthermore, I believe students chose and submitted the photos for their pages. And it strains credulity for the Governor to suggest that he had no idea what was on his page! If EVER a racist photo appeared on any page related to me, my friends would immediately tell me and I'd move heaven and earth to immediately disavow and insist the photo be removed. This guy did nothing at all for 35 year. IF he didn't know, who does he associate with that none of them was offended or alarmed enough to inform him and help him get this photo removed. Somehow, all the people associated with him were quite comfortable with a KKK guy standing right beside a person in blackface. Its the KKK guy that really gives me the creeps. Why is no one paying attention to this?