Any one who doesn’t believe this is deluding themselves. I can see the truth. Sorry it upsets your childhood/teen love for a man who was in fact a monster. Just look at his childhood and how weird he was. There is no way he could be normal. Neverland was like his lair, built to seduce not only little boys but their families as well. More truth will come out. Detectives has said that there were hundreds of child porn videos. Detectives said that. It not much of a step to believe that he was fully capable of what he did. It’s terribly sad and confusing but to deny it is to hurt those little boys all over again. It all boils down to the fact that it’s a hard truth to accept. It’s just so opposite of his image. That’s why people are outraged. It’s like saying Peter Pan or Santa Claus was a ped. It’s hard to have your bubble burst. People just don’t WANT to believe it, and so those guys get hurt again.