Just a serie with anoying/cringe characters , there is no Resident Evil vibe at all , why did they change our poor Wesker he is an iconic character but they just decided to change is character design just to please a certain public
(the politicaly correct & progressive fandom) they tried to look cool with all this non-sense meme & trend in a univers where its supposed to be zombies , gore , interesting and mysterious characters but nothings even the music doesent fit the movie ... sadly we lived in an era where we cant even have a decent movie , they just cant resist messing with the story & character we all loved by changing them.
(im reffering to the last resdent evil movie & and this serie)
they could just cast actors & actress who look like the character in the video games it cant be that hard seriously ... how is it even canon that insane it dosent even respect Resident Evil , lets hope one day we will have a real good serie/movie of Resident Evil .