This movie sucks really bad, I can't even describe what I watched.
The worst concept film I've ever seen from Marvel. The clique and awful writing really bring the entire batch of bad movies and says, "Hey this movie is going to be way worse than all the others we made, deal with it." And those are a couple of the smaller problems. The product placement is obvious, the characters are unlikeable, and there’s zero story. Seriously. It’s a movie about a dude having a dream about these girls killing him, and him chasing them to kill them first. In a badly overdubbed voice. Apparently, there weren’t any actors available who could speak the lines clearly the first time which shows how it seems like a really badly dubbed movie. Only watch this movie if you want to make fun of it. I cannot entirely explain how incredibly terrible this film is. This is the first time I've ever left a movie more confused. This is also the first time I've left a bad review on anything. The dialogue is so ridiculously bad it feels like you're reading a Wattpad story, or a movie written by AI. My message is just don't watch this.