You can also access the show on Amazon Prime Video. This show is the best, it has really helped me through quarantine but now that I have finished it I have no idea what to do with my summer. I could rewatch it but that would not feel the same. The show will give you a nice thrill but also give you enough time and information to get attached to the characters, their stories, and the whole story as one. The whole cast is amazing and I would love to see more of Teen Wolf hopefully in the near future. Also I have an almost unhealthy liking of Dylan O’brien all because of this show soooo.. be warned. I’d like to also add that I cried at the end of this amazing series not due to sad events on the show but due to the fact that the show had ended years ago and that I myself had just finished it. The only bad thing about watching this show is that you realize that you won’t ever get to see the cast as a whole at comic con, just things like that that people value and cherish.