I'm not in the habit of writing to mainstream media outlets but I made an exception for this particular program. Last Sunday you ran a very good program that discussed the generic drug industrie's coordinated plans on ripping off the consumer. In fact, this is going on right now and heaven knows how long it's been going.
This is what I like to say regarding the episode on Sunday:
I'm not in the habit of really giving too much thought to CBS 60 Minutes because it has evolved into in my judgment, a partisan liberal mouthpiece for the DNC. However, in this case I was really pleased that you devoted a lot of time to this topic and gave us a very good background information about the evidence that is going to trial against these corporate thieves. The only thing that bothers me is that how can I trust that 60 Minutes is only pointing out this particular failure of capitalism and not a broader attack on capitalism itself? There are many examples of individuals and companies taking advantage of the capitalist system but in the end they are held accountable. I still would take capitalism over socialism and any other-ism because it allows for individual growth and prosperity like no other system can. Thank you again for your documentary regarding the generic drug industries ripping off the American public. I look forward to seeing more.