Its just another Rail guided star wars story.. The graphics are great and the game play is smooth, but could EA have grown a pair and offered us some multiplayer?
They wanted a safe fair environment for everyone to play, because when your rending peoples arms and legs with a laser sword you definitely should make sure everyone feels safe and treated equally..
In the old Jedi Outcast & Academy games you gave us some of the best multi-user play-ability ever, but for some reason are too afraid of poor user reviews to attempt something with serious replay value.
THIS GAME IS NOT WORTH BUYING AT FULL PRICE. Your only hope of continuous play past a couple days will be DLC's released after for even more money.
PLEASE MAKE YOUR NEXT STAR WARS RELEASE WITH SOME SUBSTANCE! There's die hard fans out there ready to light-saber duel their buddies and run around open worlds fighting epic monsters and evil sith together. Even if every part of the game play is not perfect or FAIR.
Stating we didn't go all out because we were afraid of dropping the franchise if this one bombed isn't the attitude that makes a great game. I hope in EA's next endeavor they try for something groundbreaking. Rather than trying to see how many times they can get into our pockets with Force Unleashed Re-skinned.