This morning just after the 8am news on Sunrise, Nat crossed to your reporter in Melbourne in regard to the stabbing which occurred there.
It was then that I was aghast to hear Nat utter the words, " what can you tell us"
What was she thinking?
She obviously, accidently reverted to her instinctive way of speaking the normal Australian way and had forgotten the mandated, Americanised TV jargon, "talk us through it"."(take us through it ", would have been acceptable.)
She is bound to be reprimanded!
Sam Mac would never use such shameful normal language as used by Nat and everyday Australians.
In almost all his morning interviews he unfailing adheres to the Americanised TV jargon and asks the question "talk us through it" .
We Aussie viewers are not to hear "tell us what happened" or "what was it like", those sentences are taboo.
We also need to be indoctrinated into other jargon like "bring it to the table", "mindset", game changer", "back end" and many more.
And just think, through the dictionary, of the multitude of words in e veryday Australian use , which can be eliminated by "IMPACT"
G reg Nolan . Perth
Sorry, but I talk Aussie