I already have a positive review on Amazon. So I'll just add a brief comment.
1880 to 1900 was a feverish era, philosophically and ideologically. European socialism was a strong current. At that same time Anglo-German culture was the apex of civilization, at least that's what all the professors in the German universities thought.
And that's where a lot of the most rootless American intellectuals went to get their graduate degrees, the university in Leipzig, in particular. And these young hotshots, as they doubtless saw themselves, went back to the US to create three new fields: Sociology, Psychology, and Education.
John Dewey is called the Father of American Education. But when Dewey said education, he meant social engineering. And that's the curse, as I would see it, that we have been living with the last hundred years. (You can tell the whole story of American K-12 education through the thoughts of John Dewey. That's why I have pronounced this verdict: Phooey on John Dewey.)
The book covers the intellectual firestorm that adopted the name Progressivism, which was code for Socialism.
Because the book is short, and covers all the stars from the late-1800s to the mid-1900s, it has many affectionate fans.