Spoiler Alert:
This film centers around a sailor on a nuclear sub, who has paranormal hearing and can discern sounds of objects in the water down to specific individual structures. i.e. what type of ship or boat, or whale and even how many blades in a propeller. He was scheduled to go on a two submarine mission when he was pulled off for cannabis in his blood. One of the Sub commanders in need of a 'listener,' brought him back on his Sub. A terrorist group launched a rogue missile, thought to be a nuke which set the Sub Commanders s into a doomsday failsafe lockdown to launch a
missile which would start a war, killing hundreds of millions of innocents. Protocol when in a failsafe mode is the assumption that society and the government are destroyed, and the mandate is to press the button, launching nuclear missiles which can destroy hundreds of millions of people. No communication allowed between the subs or commanders.
Our 'listener' reveals the rogue missile is not a nuke, so the race is on to stop the other commander from a launch. The commander on the fail safe is supposed to destroy anyone who attempts to stop his launch. This is the meat of the story. The tense drama will they reach the sub commander in time to stop the launch?
Very well played, though I did not like the ending. The story became a battle of wits and strategy for each sub, sub commander, to kill the other. Either way to kill one of them was weak and ultimately anti-climactic.
Had they kept a third party in the mix, say the terror group did hijack a real nuke, that would have propped up the drama, as the two sub commanders still would have had to watch out for the other, and the terror group would be a wildcard complication both sub commandeers still have to hunt and kill as well as worry about their former comrades. The ending to me was a letdown of what could have been a great dynamic power play but sadly fizzled like a damp roman candle.