The source material should never have been attached to the show. If you wanted to create a show about race relations which is primarily what the show is poorly depicting then simply create a show about race relations. I bet thats hard to do though because there would be no acclaimed name attached to your culturally divisive messages therefore rendering your audience far to sparse to convince any hbo executive you are worthy. The mere idea that if a person does not like this show may connect them with being racist I find abhorrent. The content of the show should win an audience based on the merit of all its moving parts. The shots and cinematography are great (par for the course for a show that has been given a massive budget). The music some will most likely praise but harkens back to that of Mr. Robot retro soundtrack. The writing is sub par along with the logical consistency and storytelling. The tone is nearly unreadable and often leaves one wondering if they are inept when it comes to their powers of perception or if the writers and directors simply enjoyed the fine scent of pretentious anal gasses. The sprinkling in of watchmen lore is also quite panderous to the primary demographic of comic fans who will be watching this show. To the legions of morbidly curious lonely mothers and bored middle aged bipeds they will soon be delighted with a show they will be sadly remiss for criticizing due to the touchy subject matter. A true gift to no one but maybe the victims of Tulsa who deserve recognition for the outright evil actions committed there and in many other neighboring states at the time. To which only the redundant act of recognition will never truly satisfy a tread upon peoples. Strip away the watchmen title and what is the result? A confusing action based political and special effects spectacular reveals itself in its distorted reflection of present day discord amongst black and white human beings. The show is functionally average at its absolute best as both an artistic statement/product and so called "reimagining".
A popular novel has been drug through the mud all in the name of what the director and writers see as something far more relative to todays climate. Themes appear to not be universal to the creators of the show. My literature skills and comprehension must have failed me and many others due to our thematic consensus being starkly contrasting from the novel to the show. A reinvention is not an appropriate label. A brazen attempt to produce revenue from a literary work of arts dim shadow is what seems most fitting. The ideas behind the show are undercooked and the potential world that could have been created from the ashes of the novel mourns beside any subtle attempts at political commentary or insight into social injustices.