Yeah like the show, the content, good Sunday morn ‘whileaway’
My NEGATIVE ahhhhhhh drives me crazy ........
The Ummms & Ahhhhh’s !!!!!!!!!
C’mon these (your are) are ALL professional Journos, you ALL are
All are prepared for the morning (should be anyway)
Starting EVERY sentence with the same
Could I suggest a few sessions @ Toastmasters or similar as a remedy
We deserve better the dollars we pay
Not only ‘Insiders’ happens the 7.30 report
The only time it’s repaired is when the presenter is reading from a Script
‘Clucking’ of the tongue should be banned
The word badly overdone, BASICALLY
It’s just a FILLER !!!! Omit the word, the program would be 5 mins shorter
My observation (generalisation) Barry Cassidy wasn’t a serial
I’d be surprised if I was alone on this one
Please endeavour ahhhh ummmm stamp it ummm out
Just saying (read imploring)
Jack Kangaroo Point BRISBANE