This book. This book is a marvel. "Oh now"...
This book is a walk, a stroll, an amble, even occasionally a gambol, a one-horsepower trip through a time and a place in a young man's life that does not exist anymore in this world (and don't we all have those places deep?), that is dissolving even as you watch and read. It is an elegiacally Irish perambulation through a decidedly analog world that demands nothing of you but that you simply sit down at the table and let the courses be brought before you for your perusal and deep consumption. Go back in your mind and read it with the second major crush of your life still aching your heart and your first kiss still some 3 weeks away. Slow. Down. And just appreciate the description of an habitually late church-goer "whose clock ran slow, both in fact and metaphor". Or "Her smile did to her face what May does to a garden". And these are just the simple remembrances from the story; there are so many instances where a run-on sentence slips and slides its country mile, sauntering along the page, picking up speed and imagery along the way, only to deposit you right into the absolute very heart of the matter at hand. "Life is a comedy, with sad bits"...My caveat: do not read this if you must have a definitive answer to Life's big puzzles. Do not read this for plot or if you are prone to shortcuts or if you see life monochromatically. It just won't do.