I gave to say I watch the show every week!
Please Please know that Henery is not being fair or honest about his wife Christina! I don’t think he’s gay. I think they both need to get help, yea help. He is making stuff up on her. His dad was definitely right about Henry. Brett did good because he really didn’t want to be married. So he went home before hurting his wife more.
Miles should run ........ Karen got deep issues and will drive him crazy. The scene with him joking around at the fridge with a note was a RED FLAG!!!! RUN
Woody and Amani was a great fit. They need to take it slow and love each other as they are doing. They communicate very good. My favorite couple Bennett and Amelia get the prize for BEST FIT! I love them they got it, because they don’t worry about the small stuff. Great communication and they are in LOVE! They are moving 50 miles South from me! I’ll take them to dinner if they let me. Maybe I’ll order them dinner.
I love this show It teaches those younger couples that marriage should not be taken lightly.