Game is hotbed for shady 3rd party business and off the books economic manipulation through bot networks. View bots, comment bots, ten cent trolls, as well as financially incentivizing 3rd party influencers are all used to shape narratives on social media websites.
These creepy sad people will do things like gatekeep content to make it more exclusive to drive up sales for their RMT in game services. There is 0 competitive integrity and any in game achievement has been completely trivialized.
Devs make content for a constantly shriking specific segment of the player base (the average person wants nothing to do with people who make you submit a job application to play with them), while massively neglecting the growth of other parts of the game then use the lack of growth in the areas they neglected as justification for not designing more content for it.
Fun aspects of the game are quickly ruined by the devs in attempts to bring it in line with their disorted visions of fun, which often involves time gates, mechanics that prevent you from playing your character, and things that generally slow down your ability to input.
If you want to create an awesome fantasy character, spend a long time gearing them up and building them a certain way to see how well you can do this ISN'T the game for you.