This animated series was made by someone who doesn't respect the Gods. Or God.
He deliberately collected the worst myths of the Norse pantheon and inverted their depictions as villains.
He did not even attempt to portray them in a good light or even in a neutral way.
He does not understand that if legends of Gods are still existing, they do so for their own merits. These merits are forgotten to time.
I wish him good luck in the afterlife because every action, thought or emotion has to be accounted for, later-on.
As a piece of entertainment, it has barbarism, extreme violence, murder, sex, LGBT, consumption of substances and alcohol, etc.
There is not much to the story. It's just a revenge plot. He also tries to invert good to evil, evil to good, nice to bad, bad to good, etc.
2 out of 5. To be watched with full awareness that this is fiction.
Also, this series is not for teenagers because of gullible minds that tend to worship anything that is depicted in a cool and stylish way.