Your insights, recomendations and perspective come across as thoroughly balanced, reasonable, and logical. No perceptible partisanship or bias whatsoever. Just a desire for solid policies that benefit society in the broadest possible way. Pushing the importance of seeking and understanding the perspectives of all stakeholders / parties, both reasonable and unreasonable in their behavior is the missing ingredient in dealing more effectively with many of societies challenges. Your writing, personal experience, starting with be a farm kid (me too) is incredibly refreshing. Teaching the Dinosaur to Dance could easily be a graduate level ESG studies text book, but its more than that. With the sound foundation, logic and rationale set out following by detailed how to models. I would say its must reading for any MBA student or aspiring executive in any industry from a general how to think, manage and lead teams and organizations perspective. Its also could be a foundational book on building a middle of the road, common sense, inclusive political party!