This is a really good movie. I think about it a lot.
Gore, horror, psychological thriller, good writing, misunderstood by audiences.
Understand the a lot of the reviews are from people who don't watch horror movies as anything more than a thrill, don't watch psychological thrillers at all, think stories are supposed to be written a certain way (in regard to being able to connect with characters or there being no good-guy characters), and have no interest in psychology.
If you research some basic psychology this movie makes a lot of sense. The characters are some rarely shown types, as well as every character is a villain. I get that makes people uncomfortable.
There are a lot of subtle nuances that speak volumes about the characters that the average viewer simply won't get. Unusual things for movies happen, but do happen irl- again another thing people can't buy, Truth is Stranger Than Fiction. People also don't like swaps to happen on them, and are very used to the lackluster blockbuster storytelling that whatever happens in the first fifteen minutes is the entire movie.
This is not a chill movie, so if you're looking to turn your brain off it's not for you. You may still enjoy it for the gore. You may get horribly confused by the other stuff.