​I don't understand why we have riotously violent and degrading movies and shows like 13 Reasons Why, Wednesday, Euphoria, House of the Dragon, Game of Thrones, Fast and the Furious, Fast and the Furious 2, Fast and the Furious 3, Fast and the Furious 4, Fast and the Furious 5, Fast and the Furious 6, Fast and the Furious 7, Fast and the Furious 8, Fast and the Furious 9, Fast and the Furious 10, Halloween, I Spit on your Grave, It, John Wick, John Wick 2, John Wick 3, John Wick 4, The Raid, Terrifier, Top Gun, etc. They are incredibly disturbing and show minors doing adult things that are considered illegal.
Even my 17 and 23 year old nieces watch them which I don't approve! I have told my brother to discipline them to no avail!
Why can't we value wholesome family content?