Artemis Fowl falls into the "EPIC FAIL!" category. Artemis Fowl Jr. is not a whiny little brat with anger issues. Butler is not an overweight black guy. Holly Short is not some 13 year old white girl. Commander Root is not some old lady with the voice of a chain smoker. Before you watch this movie. I suggest spraying yourself in the face with pepper spray. Then maybe the tears will cover up the poor acting, plot holes, and just all around dumpster fire that is this movie. Seriously Disney. Next time you want to put something this disgusting out into the world. Just come out with a short of Micky taking a dump. I would only recommend this movie if you're trying to cause yourself emotional damage. I feel like I need to reread the books just to get this out of my brain. I humbly request that any authors considering selling movie rights to Disney stop and first consider your readers. Would you want to watch all your hard work be destroyed by greed? Just give it some thought.