**spoiler alert**
From watching the trailer I thought "Nope" was going to start out a ufo/alien type movie and then turn into something else. I was sort of correct. The acting , cast and suspense is all great.
Seriously great cast.
Also this movie has one really terrifying scene that is the stuff of nightmares, and as a stand alone that one scene is a movie.
The actual villain of this movie was underwhelming for me.
The actual ufo/alien being looked like it was made out of parachute material. .
The suspense and build up work so well and then not really much of a pay off or much of an explanation. I get that the meaning movies, like music are sometimes left for the audience to figure out but that didn't work for me on this one. It was an OK movie experience but it's not something I would watch again or reccomend.
Basic plot of the movie is this parachute/balloon space animal ate people that looked at it wrong. Seriously.