I’ve noticed that a lot of people either enjoy the movie, or they don’t. And I can pretty much see why… . But to me though, I just don’t know where to begin… . Let me make this short and simple for y’all, and hope that you find this helpful. Also, if you don’t want spoilers, then don’t read this!
I just watched the movie. And if I’m being honest, it was extremely and severely more disgusting, than scary… . Like, I can’t even begin on that one scene near the ending… . Like, what was the point of that?! Aside from adding a gross factor, I think that the “birth” scene could’ve been either changed, or cutted out entirely… . I mean, I’m traumatized… . I really am… . And I don’t like feeling like this… . Like, all the male characters just giving birth to one another repeatedly until it stopped at the main character’s husband. I mean, I get that us guys can be cruel if not malicious at times… . But in all seriousness, there’s really no need to show a birth scene… . I don’t need to know all that until I’m a husband.
Another thing I’d like to question about is the storyline, or the plot. I mean, I was so confused throughout the entire movie after the beginning. I mean, yeah I get that the guy killed himself due to a bad relationship. And yeah I get that the girl had to go somewhere for some peace and tranquillity… . But if there’s anything that I’ve learned, or noticed from this… . It’s that basically the storyline or plot doesn’t make sense at all… . Not to mention that the movie didn’t quite give out any more reasons or hints as to what the movie was about… since some of the scenes seemed either out of place, or just placed in there for no logical reason other than to fill in the time slot. So basically, it’s not good at explaining things at all.
What I’m trying to get at here with this review is that in my opinion, the entire movie could’ve done better if it were to explain the plot or storyline just a bit so it wouldn’t be all confusing when it showed different scenes and or scenarios. It could also do with some removal of certain scenes that doesn’t even correlate to what’s in the story, or like what it’s all about… .
So to make this short and simple, I didn’t like the movie, it was traumatizing, and I sincerely hope that it would’ve been edited or worked on more, so that way it would’ve been good, or would’ve made a bit more sense… . So basically, the movie was a bit of a waste of time, and I sincerely hope that I get through with whatever that scene was at the end… .
Thanks for reading this, and I hope that you have a good day or night! Peace.