Overall 7/10 ( Playing on PS5)
Main Story Line is beautifully done
Immersive World , characters and dialogues
Side Quest Progressions can be very fun and immersive
Loot System / Items / Skill Trees / Pargaon / Glyphs and most other gameplay elements are an overall Positive
Hell Tides and NM keep you at least interested in the game after Main Story*
Crashing Occurs too frequently (for me at least once in 3 a hour session)
The Level XP Grind after Main Quest Story , very tedious
Seems like there isn't much to do except Hell Tides , Legion and Nightmare Dungeons after main Story is over. (rinse and repeat)
World Bosses can be taken down in a matter of seconds ( they dont feel epic in any sense)
Broken Quest Lines - although they get patched pretty frequently , they still exist
Tree of Whispers - very underwhelming drops in relation to how many objectives needed to complete quests.