One of the most shallow games I have ever played. I was expecting a lot from infinity ward after their success with previous modern warfares, creating a fantastic campaign and a fun multiplayer. This game has neither.
The campaign is incredibly short, and I was able to complete it in one sitting. The majority of the characters are shallow and I actively disliked playing them. The SAS missions were very good, especially the mission Clean House and the Wolf’s Den, the Embassy mission is pretty good too, however it is not an overly enjoyable experience. The story is incredibly shallow and doesn’t make a whole lot of sense in a lot of the cases, it seems rushed or unfinished. They should have made more SAS missions, or carried on with the end of Modern Warfare 3, in the middle of the Russian war.
There are very few dramatic moments, no real weight behind some of the decisions you make and you lack the opportunity to truly get immersed as the almost bad guy in the game, which it is laid out to be. Story is just disappointing, and even a bit silly at times. I genuinely wonder if the developers even know what a British police car looks like never mind their equipment...
multiplayer is also incredibly lacking, with the addition of the operators, I just generally dislike the idea of it. People constantly camping in corners or down hallways, or just sprinting around solo.
Ended up running around, encountering an enemy, killing them and then dying only for the friendly team leader to constantly say “enemy in the market” it’s just dull, there is nothing to this and I find it ridiculous that this was sold at near £70. It’s an absolute joke of a game and it further baffles me how the game is 100 gigabyte with the lack of content in it.
Definitely will not recommend this.
Will have to go and play the original modern warfare to get an idea of what a good campaign is again.