September 30, 2021
Hello my sister in Christ Francis! My mother passed in December 2020, and her name was Francis she was 82 years old, as her care giver for 3years she introduced my husband and I to your broadcasting network, what a joy its been to me. The Lord has given me you! as my spiritual mom...thank you Jesus! We have been supporting your knowledge, your teaching, praising, worshipping, and all you and the Jimmy Swaggart family give to this dying world.
We were in study with the broadcast earlier today and your guest was brother Cluster from Jamaica. A caller from Texas called in asked where are our leaders in the Faith? Its amazing because I asked my husband the same question: Why are we not using the biblical techniques from our brothers and sister in Christ from the bible?
Shadrach Meshach and Abednego
Joshua and Caleb
Martin Luther King Jr.'s
Billy Graham's
Jimmy Swaggart's
Jesus casted out devils...showed his disciples and it was said you will do more and have more power than I (John 14:12)
If we would follow their biblical applications we will win this evil war that is here now in America. Could we as church leaders be too comfortable?
There are a lot of people that follow your platform, we will follow your lead. In Jesus Name, through prayer, fasting, worship if you execute a plan we will do it.
We can't depend on homes today, because they are evil, two mommies, two daddys', no godly parents, no God at all. This is why the Democratic States are failing, homes are failing, could this be bigger than what we are doing depending on government leaders to trust elections, to trust our leaders in office etc.
Could it be it's time to take a Godly stand and take our Godly country back?
Just a what you decide we will follow and always support your ministry, because you speak the Truth.
God Bless America.
Anonymous from the Bible Belt TEXAS!