I may have to read the book and/or see the movie again in order to fairly rate this one. I couldn’t decide whether I found it ordinary or extraordinary. It has flat moments and relationships come across predictable, superficial, and didn’t give me enough to bite into when I compare it to modern day dramas; And it wasn’t as “hilarious” as some depicted it would be. I felt like I kept waiting for the movie to start, to be honest. 😑
But… On the flip side
If the point was to purposely show the complexity within the very regular, ordinary, lives of the average high functioning “normal” modern Black American family (one that is not filled with the trite stereotypical antics that provide entertainment for the masses) then it accomplished what it set out to do.
There is complexity in simplicity, and I got that. I understood that the two stories ran parallel to one another. What I struggled with was the actual MESHING. I got the message, but I wrestled with the effectiveness of the way it was delivered.
I love Jeffrey Wright. But if I’m to keep him at the high level artistry that I expect from him, then I have to keep it 100. Something was missing. I just can’t put a finger on what that was. And to be candid, that’s not my job.