Just like St. Francis of Assisi, our new Pope is here to REFORM the Church. In 1972 my Mother was having difficulty with her pregrancy with me so the Doctor suggested to ABORT me. But my Catholic parents prevented that from happening because they knew it would've been murder. My Mother risked her health and quite possibly her life to deliver me. She was fine afterwards and so was I. I grew up, came out of the closet at 21 years old and my parents "supported my LGBTQ" rights! This is what it means to be Catholic! And our new Pope, just like my parents, celebrates the DIGNITY and the RIGHTS of "ALL". My RIGHT TO LIFE was protected when I was a fetus, and now my RIGHT TO LIVE as a dignified human being EQUAL to my heterosexual counterparts is being protected. When you find that no one can put you in a box, then you are most likely walking with Jesus. This is what being Catholic is all about.